CB1 Weight Gainer Reviews


cb1 weight gainerIf you read CB1 Weight Gainer reviews you’ll notice that the majority speak highly of these pills, but does it really work?

While positive reviews are nice, they usually don’t go in depth explaining what these gain weight pills do.

If you’re still unsure if this is the kind of supplement you need, this review will explain what these pills can and cannot do, and what you should expect from it.

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What is CB1 Weight Gainer?

As this CB1 Weight Gainer review will reveal, these pills were specifically developed to help you gain weight.

Unlike other weight gainer supplements on the Internet, CB-1 was extensively tested prior to being released with several scientific and independent studies to verify its claims.

The ingredients in CB-1 are unique (it is patented in fact) and created in the US under rigid testing and quality control.

However, the nice thing about CB-1 is the company has put forward an explanation of how it works, and it jibes with the latest scientific findings for gaining weight and mass.
It focuses mainly on building muscle and mass gain, but it doesn’t stop there as it also places emphasis on nutrient absorption and appetite stimulation.

These weight gainer pills aren’t just for young people though, as it’s also effective for older men and women who want to put weight on.

All the ingredients are natural and have been combined to provide maximum efficiency.


Why do some people need to ADD weight?

There are lots of reasons why both men and women need to put on additional weight.

Here are just 4 of these. Hopefully it will help explain the different groups of people who are in need of regular supplementation with the CB1 weight gain formula.

too skinnyWomen and Men who are naturally skinny

This is one of life’s ‘what if’s’. Many of us who are carrying excess weight would love to be told they are naturally skinny.

Your genes have a lot to do with it; some people naturally have a faster metabolism than others, and your current diet can also play a major role.


While teenagers are going through their adolescence they will often experience a spurt in growth. This obviously leaves them taller, but they could well be lacking in the corresponding weight gain.

The use of CB1 weight gain pills along with a healthy and nutritious diet targeted to gain weight will help speed up this process.

Recovering from illness

Anyone who is recuperating from a serious illness will benefit from weight gain tablets.

The chances are that they will have a weak appetite, and will not have been taking so many calories on board during their illness, so their weight will need building up.

People wanting a better physique

Many men and women who are on the skinny side would like to improve their physique.

By combining the use of a CB 1 weight gain supplement, regular exercise, and a healthy diet, it will help you achieve that extra weight.

Your muscles will become far more clearly defined and your all-round health will improve.

As we have mentioned, there are many reasons for putting on weight.

While the regular use of CB1 Weight Gainer will definitely help you, it is important that you do not think you can eat whatever you like to gain this weight.

By eating the wrong kinds of foods and not exercising the only thing you will gain is unwanted fat, and quite probably health problems you could most certainly do without.


increase appetiteHow Does CB1 Weight Gainer Work?

As CB1 reviews point out, the pill works by stimulating your appetite using ingredients like vitamin E, vitamin D3 as well as a number of unique nutrients and botanical substances that stimulate your appetite like Echinacea root.

The pills also have isobutylamides, which research shows is effective to help you gain weight.

It must be emphasized that it doesn’t make excessive use of carbohydrates and proteins which add more fat than muscle.

Instead, it provides only the macro nutrients your body needs to put on weight, and in addition the pills have specially formulated compounds that build up your appetite.

It should be used as a natural weight gain supplement, and you need to give it time to work.

By taking the pills as directed you’ll experience an increase in appetite and more importantly, the CB1 weight gain pills will improve your body’s ability to absorb these nutrients.

The pills should be taken half an hour before each meal, and it’s very important you follow the guidelines to ensure it works.

Fortunately the pills come with the Weight Gain Guidebook which provides plenty of useful advice to help you keep the mass you just put on.

The guidebook also explains what proper nutrition is about and how you can gain mass and weight without putting on fat.


stimulate appetiteAppetite stimulation

Those who need to gain weight must stimulate their appetite. This formula is the perfect assistant for this. It works by tricking your body into thinking you are not full.

This means you will continue to eat and therefore consume more calories.

Certain hormones such as insulin, peptide YY, and leptin are the ones which send signals telling your body it is full.

The ingredients contained in this supplement fool these hormones. This process allows you to eat more, and makes you eat more often.

As just mentioned, this means you are consuming more calories, it also means you will gain those extra pounds in weight.


Slowing down your metabolism

slow down metabolismLots of underweight people suffer from a fast metabolism. This means that even when you are eating additional calories your body quickly burns them up.

You do not want them burning away, you want them stored as body weight, and that is exactly what this formula does. It temporarily slows down your metabolic rate.

This slowing down process reduces the number of calories your body wastes as heat through a process known as thermogenesis.


CB-1 Weight Gainer ingredients

The ingredients contained in this formula have been carefully selected and put together to give you the above benefits and more.

It contains no steroids, no drugs, or any other dangerous ingredients.

It does contain a unique blend of herbs, vitamins, minerals and isobutylamides.

These all-natural ingredients are of the highest quality and work to stimulate your appetite, slow down your metabolism, and maximize your weight gain like no other weight gaining pills you will find.

This potent mix of ingredients goes to work by activating a body receptor called CB-1, and it is this which stimulates your appetite and slows down your metabolism.

Once you combine these two actions you are on the road to rapid weight gain.

cb1 pillsThey are #1, because CB1 pills will adjust your metabolism so you’ll be able to eat more and gain weight. Provided you take the pills as directed, you’ll notice the difference in your appearance faster.

As you can see, there’s nothing magical about the way it works, and the company doesn’t make any outlandish claims about how effective it is.

A close reading of how the pills work shows that it is based solely on proven facts and there’s nothing pseudo scientific about it.



· All CB1 Weight Gainer ingredients are natural
· Each ingredient has been proven effective by independent researchers
· There are no CB1 Weight Gainer side effects
· Affordable


· The pills do not work overnight
· Strength training is still required if you want to build muscles


Who Should Take These Pills?

These weight gain pills are meant for the following.

· Anyone who wants to gain weight
· Men and women who want to add more mass and muscle to their skinny frames
· Those with very fast metabolism

Also, what many people don’t realize is that gaining weight is one of the most effective ways to lose fat, because as you gain mass your body’s metabolism improves, allowing you to burn fat even when you’re not working out.

The media focus is on weight loss, but the truth is a great many Americans are underweight. While a lot of people want to lose weight, there’s a big difference between losing weight because you’re fat and being underweight.

If you’re underweight you’ll be vulnerable to ailments that attack your immune system. Furthermore, being too skinny can have a negative effect on your self-confidence, so there’s a need to bulk up.

It’s true that working out and strength training are necessary to build muscle, and eating will definitely help you put on weight.


But that’s not enough because to build muscle, your body must have sufficient mass that can be developed into muscles.

If you don’t eat enough foods and you continue to work out, you’ll lose even more weight and get thinner.

Obviously the answer is to eat more so your body will have the mass that will be converted into muscles.

And that’s where CB-1 can really help because it jump starts your appetite, providing the right balance, and thanks to the guidebook that’s provided with the pills you’ll know exactly what to eat and when.

To make it short, these pills are ideal for anyone who is serious about gaining weight the most efficient manner possible.

It’s also for those who want to gain mass the natural way, without resorting to any artificial means or using dangerous means like steroids.

However, it isn’t for those looking for a miracle drug that will pack several pounds in your body overnight.

The company doesn’t make such claims, and the truth is no such product exists. While CB1 doesn’t work overnight it is fast, and it will only take a few weeks until you see and feel the effects.


CB1 Weight Gainer Reviews From Real Customers

One of the reasons why CB-1 has gotten a lot of attention is the number of positive CB1 reviews and testimonials it has received online.

The testimonials come from men and women all across the US,

here is one from Ben of Bangor who says that before he took the pills he was “very skinny” and had a very difficult time putting on weight. However, after taking CB1 Ben says he began putting on weight and in less than two months had gained more than 20 lbs.

Matt of Colorado also tried it and had nothing but positive things to say about it.

He says:
“I’ve always been skinny ever since I was a kid, and even when I worked out I just couldn’t put any muscles on because I had very little appetite…I tried just about every weight gainer and nothing worked. Out of desperation I tried CB-1 and to my surprise it worked! I’ve been using it for about a month now and I’ve gained 11 pounds!”

CB1 also received positive feedback from Janice of Michigan who wrote:

“There’s no question in my mind that CB-1 works. I was very thin even in high school and had a very hard time adding bulk. I wasn’t sickly or anything but I just had very little appetite. After I started taking it, my appetite grew and I was able to large meals without feeling sick. It didn’t take long before I gained weight, and now I look and feel great!”

If you look around the Internet you’ll see there are many similar reviews that have been posted, and they say pretty much the same thing, that CB-1 works.

These reviews and testimonials, it should be pointed out, are accompanied by pictures so there’s visual evidence that the pills do work.

In other words you don’t just have to take the reviewers’ for it, as you can see the difference yourself.

Another thing you’ll notice with the CB-1 weight gainer reviews is they don’t make any extravagant claims about the pills helping them put on 5 pounds a day, like you’d read in reviews of other weight gainers.


So does CB1 work? The answer is yes, it does.

How safe and pure is it?

Samples from each new batch of this formula are sent to an independent, third-party laboratory for testing.

This testing ensures the supplement contains the most pure and potent all-natural isobutylamide ingredients available for men and women to buy.

cb1 resultsHow fast will you see results?

When you read a cross-section of CB-1 reviews you will find that users report weight gain results of between 10 and 20lbs over a one month period.

Independent tests which were carried out provided results showing an average weight gain of 2.4 lbs in just one week.



CB1 pills are as good as advertised, period. There are a growing number of weight gainers in the market today, but these pills are best for several reasons.

For one thing it’s the only one that’s been independently tested and proven to work.

Second, the way the pills work –by stimulating your appetite and adjusting your metabolism– has a solid scientific basis, and third, objective and unbiased reviews are all over the Internet.

In other words CB-1 is a tested and proven weight gainer, and it’s affordable too. When it comes to these health supplements, there are certain things you need to look for.

Such as the company’s track record, the ingredients, how it works and what customers say about it.

In each case CB1 has passed the test, so if you’re looking for a reliable weight gainer with no serious side effects, then you should seriously buy this.

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